Photo of worker adjusting a wireless access point.

Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Slogging Through the Networks: How Scaling Way Up Results in Really Bad Customer Service
Strominator David Strom writes about how are networked world often makes customer service a distant afterthought. This is something we've all experienced.

The post name is Caught Between Computers and you may need to know this just in case a new post has floated to the top. His permalink link for the post doesn't seem to work so the closest I can get you there is strominator.com . This is a bit ironic as I see this as a customer service issue too.

(And another thing, David. I subscribe to your email and not the RSS. I had a devil of a time finding your blog as it's not listed in the email. What's up with that?)

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