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Sunday, October 23, 2005
An Old Hotel in New York
The NY Times has an article today called "Downtown Hotel Has Visitors, but No Guests. It's Specical? A Slice of Old New York" by Colin Moynihan(free registration likely required). It's about the Fulton Ferry Hotel,
a brick structure built in 1812 that housed generations of travelers and seafarers and that achieved literary renown 140 yearss later as the namesake of a story titled 'Up in the Old Hotel' written by Joseph Mitchell and first published in The New Yorker.
Mitchell published the story (I'll do the math for you) in 1952. He is, according to Moynihan, "one of the most revered and recondite American writers of the last century." I can't find any of Mitchell's work on the Web but I found a book, Up in the Old Hotel, which is a compilation of his New Yorker stuff.

When I get to New York, I plan on taking the tour of the old hotel.


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