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Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Saturday, October 01, 2005
New Yorker 1/10/05
(Yes, I'm a bit behind in reading my New Yorker.)

Jan. 10, 2005

Obituary for Susan Sontag

"...she never got it into her head--or therefore anyone else's--that this disease [cancer] might kill her."

Jerome Groopman: The Pediatric Gap (Annals of Medicine)

Why have most medications never been properly tested on kids?

Medicines are tested in adult clinical trials. There is no certain knowledge of how the same meds will affect children. No one seems to care too much. Pharmas are fearful of lawsuits if they conduct trials with children.

Groopman is also interviewed at the New Yorker site.

Ian Frazier: Out of Ohio (Personal History) (sorry, not online)

Nice piece about growing up and leaving your home town. Applicable to those of us from rural areas.

1 + 1 + 1 = 1: The new math of mashups.

Sasha Frere-Jones writes about mashups and remixes. Informative article.


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