Photo of worker adjusting a wireless access point.

Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Weather Food
I woke up this morning in frigid Minneapolis, MN US wondering how cold it was outside. We have a thermometer on a window (big circle thing that sticks there) so it isn't hard to look but doggone it, I thought that it should be easy to check on the Net.

I have some bookmarks to weather sites. Most have ads and it takes a couple of seconds to load and IT SHOULD BE EASIER. The blog/rss universe must have an easier way!

Here it is: http://www.rssweather.com/

What You Need

A browser that handles the feed: Firefox does nicely.

That's it. Go to rssweather and search on your zip code to bring up the weather report for your area.

Check lower right area of the Firefox status bar and you should see the orange RSS feed indicator. It's a pop-up menu that lists the feeds for the page.

Subscribe to the last feed in the list. That corresponds to the page you're looking at (which contains the weather for your city).

You're done. Here's what you'll see in Firefox.

menu screenshot of rssweather feed for Minneapolis

You get the temperature in Fahrenheit plus some conditions plus links to more details.


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